Working Together

I designed this guide to create transparency around my process and communication style, so that we can improve the way we collaborate from the moment you place your order.

Before getting started, it is important to gather as much information as possible about your career history. Ideally, you have a resume that we can use as a starting point, even if it is outdated. At very least, please compile a list of your skills, education, and experiences.

Once you submit an order, you will be sent an email requesting your current resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile link, and/or any job descriptions that you are targeting. Customers who select a consultation will also be sent a link to my calendar to select a meeting time. When I receive your documents, the order timer begins.

I will always complete the first revisions before the order due date. I work on Google Docs, so that I can edit the documents, add my comments, and collaborate with you asynchronously or in real-time. I prefer to complete a full revision, write down all of my questions, and then collaborate on the revisions to maintain my focus during the editing process. I welcome additional information at any time, so please don't hesitate to send me job descriptions or details that come to mind.

The editing process does not have a time limit. I will work with you until you are 100% happy with your new resume, cover letter, and/or LinkedIn profile. I offer unlimited revisions of the current positions on your resume for one target role, which means that if you do not get the results that you are expecting with your new resume, I will work with you on additional changes to make sure we get you to where you want to go.