Frequently Asked Questions

Is this gig just something you do in addition to your full-time job?

I am a full-time resume writer and career coach, so you can rest assured that completing your order and exceeding your expectations is my #1 priority.  I am reachable almost 24/7 (I do try to get 8 hours of sleep a night), and I spend as much time as required to make sure you are 100% satisfied with my service.

Can we speak on the phone?

This truly is my most frequently asked question! After selecting a package, you will be able to add a 30-minute phone consultation to your order.

What roles have you recruited for?

Here is a sample list of the types of roles that I've recruited for: Sales, Client Success, BizDev, Sales Eng, Support, Customer Service, Events, Demand Gen, Growth, Social, AI Research, ML, Backend, Infrastructure, Security, Fullstack, Frontend, Design, Product, IT, Legal, BizOps, HR, and Recruiting.

What level of roles have you recruited for?

I have recruited for every position from intern to C-level executive, though I mostly focus on Senior, Director, and VP-level positions.

Does unlimited revisions really mean unlimited revisions?

Yes. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy with my services.  I complete a full revision, write comments to explain my changes, ask questions to gather details to improve your content, and then finalize the revisions after you respond.

Is there a time limit on the unlimited revisions?

I do not have a time limit on revisions. I will always complete your first revision by the delivery deadline. All subsequent revisions will have an average turnaround time of 12 hours and a maximum turnaround time of 24 hours.

Are you services confidential?

Yes. I always prioritize the confidentiality, privacy, and security of my customers. I complete all resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile reviews myself, so all of your information stays between me and you. I never share work samples so that your personal information stays safe.

Please reach out to me with any additional questions. I will respond to your message within 24 hours.